shades of gray art
of acrylic
After receiving my formative training with Gordon Smith and Sam Black at UBC in the early 70’s, I worked in oils and wrestled with mineral spirits, linseed oil, fumes, rags, and a never ending search for ventilated space! Following WHMIS guidelines early in my teaching career, I transitioned to water colour for the next 30+ years, ignoring at the time, the relatively new, frustrating, chalky, matte acrylic paint.
Recently embracing the more refined acrylic paint of today, developing an appreciation of its malleable aspect, and ability to take on a 3-D form, I’m more accepting of it as a professional medium. Truth be told, I’m not sure why I ignored acrylics for so many decades. I’m enjoying this new learning curve as I control viscosity, and play with the polymer’s rheology and luster, at the same time integrating the medium with textiles.